The Top 10 Most Useful Tips On Writing A Literary Research Paper

There are several things you should look out for when writing a literary research paper. But these 10 are the most useful tips you will need to improve your chances of earning that top grade.

  1. Create a detailed outline to guide your work.
  2. Before getting started on your literary research paper you should create a detailed outline to help keep your argument organized and focused. List all of your evidence in its proper place throughout and keep the outline handy as you write.

  3. Write your first draft quickly and efficiently.
  4. Don’t stop to make corrections to all of the little mistakes you make while writing your first draft. The best literary research papers are written as quickly and as efficiently as possible.

  5. Catch the reader’s attention with a hook.
  6. Start your essay with something interesting and compelling. Provide a reason for why your reader should continue reading your work. There are many techniques to consider.

  7. Write a clear and concise thesis statement.
  8. Your thesis statement should clearly and concisely give the reader information about what you are writing about. Don’t get fancy and keep things as simple as possible. Any reader should be able to easily point at this single statement and know what the literary research paper is about.

  9. Keep a single topic per paragraph.
  10. When you construct your outline and list out each piece of evidence be sure to keep to a single topic per paragraph. Not only does this make it easier to read and understand but it will make your work stronger and more effective.

  11. Use evidence from the main text.
  12. Your main text should be the focus of your work and you should constantly refer to evidence you find in the main text. Use quote or paraphrasing and keep things organized to help your reader follow along.

  13. Use supporting evidence from secondary sources.
  14. Your argument will need to be backed up by other academic sources. Your secondary sources should come from journals or books that discuss your text or give details about it in context to your argument.

  15. Rethink and revise your first draft.
  16. Take a look at your first draft and find ways to improve on it by reorganizing, removing, or adding arguments. All of the best literary research papers should be thoroughly revised.

  17. Edit and proofread your research paper.
  18. Now that you have a revised copy ready, be sure to take one more look at it to edit and proofread for errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. Even the smallest mistakes could lead to a lower grade.

  19. Put in all the finishing touches.
  20. Lastly, check for consistency in margins, line spacing, paragraph indentation and page numbers. These finishing touches could be all the difference in the final grade you receive.

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Prepare Final Copy

Set your paper aside before you start writing a revised and edited copy

Revision means you look for ways to re-organize your paper for effectiveness.

After a revision you will proofread and edit your final copy, ensuring all the grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes are corrected.

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