Comprehensive Exam

3-Year Plan

The Police Departments in the past decade or so have been active in the recruitment and retention of female police officers. In the past twelve years or so, about one thousand female police officers have been recruited each year. The overall numbers of female police officers have increased in the past number of years. Statistics indicates that in the year 2012, there were about 17,700 police officers actively involved in the police force departments across the nation. This figure only represented just 6% of the total number of police officers in the nation. These statistics shows why there is a great need for the police departments to develop plans that can increase the number of women in the task forces across our nation. In addition, there can never be enough security and law enforcement services provided to the general public as it caters for the welfare and well-being of the general public.

The following is a three-year plan that is intended to increase the general number of women in the police department. In the first year, the department will implement strategies that will be appealing to police offers to ensure there is a great pool of applications from the female general public. The plan covers not only the females within the states but also those from other states who wish to apply and serve in the policing sector. These strategies include:

  • Policing Career Fair
  • Career fairs are a recruitment tactic used by employers and has been an effective strategy for recruiting women into public safety jobs. The main purpose of career fairs is to attain several applications by the female populations. During career fairs, the employers provide leaflets to the potential recruits for additional information. There is also face-to-face conversation taking place between the employer representatives and the potential recruits. As an overview, the responsibility of a policewoman ranges from diverse number of activities. It is not a routine job. It includes tasks such as taking reports of crimes, doing dispatch rounds, assisting an elderly individual and even arresting an individual for criminal activities. The career fair will be a strategy that will offer the potential recruits this necessary information.

  • Distribution of pamphlets and brochures
  • One major aspect to realize is that the more the information is spreading out and circulated to the public, the greater the chances of being able to recruit more workers. The department will target female populaces by creating brochures and pamphlets specifically designed women and after that circulating them all over. These will contain the basic information regarding the opportunities available for policewomen and the requirements needed and also the application process of becoming recruited.

  • Ads
  • The police department will also advertise its recruitment plan through several avenues. For instance, the department will set up a number billboard particularly on major roads that are being used and highways moving across the state. In addition, the department can also use the radio and also television advertisements to ensure that the recruitment information has been relayed far and wide.

  • Social Media
  • With the advancements in information technology and with the Internet being embraced by all in global terms, social media has become a massive platform through which important information can be conveyed and to a large mass of individuals. For starters, the department ought to present such information on its page and also use social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter and also Instagram. This information gets traction from a diverse set of audience, which is important for the department.

  • Free Media Coverage
  • The media enjoy undertaking interest stories on human beings and particularly on women serving as law enforcers. The media will be very willing to present such stories devoid of any costs because they would attain plenty of coverage from the general public. The main plan in this is that being a top administrator; I will hold a press conference where I will convey all of the information that is necessary.

  • Target List
  • The police department will extend to women who are physically fit and physically active. It will cover areas such as the gym, members of sports teams and also in competitive facilities for remaining fit such as rock climbing, karate and kickboxing classes and also aerobics. There will be dropping of pamphlets and brochures of the company in these areas.

    In essence, the police department will try and appeal to women as much as possible by the use of publicity. When women see the photos, profiles and success stories of other females, this will motivate them to apply for recruitment. However, when these ladies only see the images of only male police officers, they are less likely to apply for recruitment.

    The department will make sure that as a minimum about 30% of the pictures on the websites, brochures, leaflets, and other pamphlets are images of women officers.

Pre-academy program

The department will also have a program that will act somewhat as a pre-academy for the police department where the females from all different areas will give training and introduction to the real policing work. This program will run for about ten weeks and will particularly be a tool or implement that will largely draw in more and more women into applying and joining the police department. The structure of the program starts out by meeting women in terms of where exactly they are in their lives. It implies taking into consideration the different magnitudes of physical fitness, the varying levels of self-confidence, the obstacles that the females face in their lives such as financial capability. It also includes family restrictions and also emotional stresses and knowing the desire and the certainty to which these female individuals wish to serve. The ten-week program has the main intent of asking those involved in it to come along with a great will and desire to serve their societies. It requires the readiness to be hard workers on a daily basis towards becoming fit and attaining the objectives that can make such a future possible. The program consists of three main elements. It includes undertaking the physical conditioning followed by the administration of a physical examination undertaken by the Academy of the police department. After that, there is giving instructions and teaching from individuals such as trainers who have been given licensing to do so.

The program will be of great importance and effectiveness because it will act as a pre-cursor to the entry into the police department academy. In the program, the applicants will be prepared for the physical examinations that are obligatory to pass by all of the police academy candidates and applicants. The female applicants will also be prepared for the written examination necessitated for entering the police academy. It also gives the ladies plenty of insight on what to expect and easing them to it and therefore increasing the number of ladies who end up joining the police workforce. There is also a schedule in the program where the applicants will be assisted in building their self-confidence and self-assurance, setting their objectives and attaining them.

Police Department Academy

The police department will take through the females who wish to join the workforce of policing through its police academy for a whole year for proper training and teaching on this particular career path. This will encompass intense field training, which will provide a sense of the real-world policing that takes place each and every day. The police academy will consist of thirty-six weeks of training. The recruits will be expected to undertake academics within the classroom and also show performance in terms of physical tactics and defensive tactics with regards to their level of ability. It is through this academy that the police department will be able to discern which field of expertise the female workers can be allocated.

Providing Advice on What Agencies to Choose From

There are several kinds of police agencies that the female police officers can choose. It encompasses and is not limiting to the local police department, state police department, special force, federal law enforcement, Sheriff’s Department and also the campus law enforcement. It would be particularly helpful for the female recruitments to be informed regarding the kind as well as the size of that particular agency.


The advertisement expenses for the department will intensively take place in the first year and the second year and decrease in the third year. It is because in the first year there is great need to ensure that information is being conveyed, and, therefore, all forms of advertisement and means of communication are being employed. Equipment levels will be required for the first and second year. It is because these are the years in which the females are trained and schooled in the Academy. It will necessitate classroom supplied and also gun equipment as well as other artilleries. They will provide a real life policing scenario for the recruits to gain an understanding of exactly what they are bound to face when they undertake the real work. The salary expenses are expected to increase because as the financial year ends, the recruits are given a proportion as they move to a higher level and, therefore, their annual pay also increases. In the first year, there is graduation from the pre-academy. In the second, year one graduates are sent from the police department academy and the third year the females join the police task force with the full perks of a police.

To be specific, police personnel in the first year are paid an annual salary of $52,000. In the second year, this amount increases to 63,000 dollars every year and the last year when they are eased into the police force they are given a remuneration of $77,000 every year. The police department aims at recruiting approximately 1,200 personnel. The pre-academy camp expense amounts are much lower compared to the academy camp amount because the latter takes a much longer period, necessitates much more learning equipment and more personnel.

Style of Leadership

Leadership can be described as the ability or expertise or of influencing a group or set of individuals in the direction of accomplishing or realizing an aim or a set of objectives. It is vital to take into account that leadership does not just simply emanate from top administrators or supervisors given such positions of guidance and headship. There is also leadership, which originates outside of the formal structure of an organization. In particular, this is very important for the police department as it undertakes an important and significant duty to the community. As the top administrator and leader of the police department, there is a great need for having high levels of leadership, as well as supervision over the department. It is to ensure that the operations are being done at optimum levels of efficiency and productivity. As a leader in a vital department, I believe that it is important for leaders in the contemporary to go against the status quo. They should cultivate strategies for the future and inspire the followers of such establishments to work hard to attain the set objectives and goals.

Public administrators in different positions of leadership make use of different styles of leadership ranging from dictatorial styles of leadership to facilitative styles of leadership and unrestrictive styles of leadership such as laissez-faire.

It is important to take note that there is no predetermined organizational leadership, but it is more so chosen by the individual who is at the headship. The two major styles of leadership are transactional and transformational styles of leadership. These styles of leadership largely differ with regards to the underlying ideologies concerning the way of management and how the leader brings out the motivation for the employees. On one hand, transactional leadership is when the individual offering guidance and headship make the initiative in getting in touch with the other individuals who are following with the solution to the issues. In other words, in this style, it is the leaders who approach those that follow him or her. On the other hand, transformational leadership is focused on more than just the obedience and conformity of the followers. This style of leadership incorporates a modification in the philosophies, the desires, and the standards of the followers. The product or result of transformational leadership is a relationship of mutual motivation and enthusiasm that transforms followers into leaders. It may perhaps in the end transform the leaders into representatives of moral code and integrity.

As the top executive of a police department, the style of leadership that I would use is the transformational style of leadership. It is because this style encompasses the requirement in the police department. There is the need for each and every policeman and policewoman in the department to have obedience and comply with the strategies set out by the company. It is also important for these individuals to transform from leaders in the police department or precinct to leaders while out there in the field undertaking their policing duties. In addition, this style of organizational leadership will bring about a great level of motivation and also a novelty for the execution of the objectives and vision of the police department. Being a transformational leader, I will be able to manage and to stimulate as well as have a constructive impact on the personnel at the police department to attain the highest level of efficiency and output. Another reason for implementing this style of leadership is because it enables a leader to employ his or her authority to undertake restructuring. As a result, one is able to alter and modify the ancient and preceding ways and manners of doing things. It is what I will be trying to achieve while employing more women into the police taskforce. It is known that women have been considered and perceived to be unable to undertake policing duties. Even at the present day period, policewomen are seen to be undertaking a man’s job by stereotypes. Through transformational leadership, I will be able to modify and change the way of thinking and looking at things in the police department to ensure that there is the effectiveness of prosperity.

Some of the strategies that I would make use are by changing or altering the organizational culture of the department. There is the consideration that the culture that is set within any organization plays a vital role in the manner in which individuals behave. Therefore, one of the strategies will be to instill an organization culture that is pro-women and one which perceives female counterparts as equal partners. It will be a culture focused on wiping out the stereotype perspective that police work is considered intended for men. It will have the purpose of ensuring that more and more women are being recruited to the department, and opportunities for women are being presented for them to grow and flourish.

Changes for accommodating female recruits

With women entering the workforce, there are a number of changes that I would implement in terms of physical training. It is important to note that naturally, men are more physical compared to women. Therefore, it means that men can train for longer hours and in a more intensive manner as compared to their female counterparts. Therefore, one of the changes I would make would be the number of hours for training and the level of intensity to accommodate the females. For instance, the number of laps necessitated for women can be a not lower than that of the male counterparts. The same case applies lifting and strenuous activities. For instance, in general, men are more muscular and, therefore, can lift heavier weights as compared to women. These are changes that ought to be made to accommodate the female counterparts. It implies that there will be a need for performance restructuring in the sense that the department will have to alter the manner in which a number of functions are being performed.

Human Resource Policies

  1. Discrimination in the workplace
  2. This encompasses actions in the work setting that include hiring, firing as well as offering promotions on the basis of prejudice that brings about the unfair treatment of employees and workers. With the entering of women into the workforce and in particular into the police sector, which is dominated by males, there is bound to be discrimination issues in the police department. There will be need to develop this HR policy to ensure that the females coming into the department are not discriminated against in all aspects. Therefore, if a policewoman is deserving of a promotion for the head of a police department then she should be given such a promotion. In the same manner, the changes in the policy will be to set stringent measures to ensure that the female personnel do not get their way into promotions through sexual appeal and only by the basis of their levels of proficiency.

Existing Laws to be developed or changed

Incorporating and assimilating women into the workforce is exceedingly challenging and difficult in the police force setting not only for cultural reasons but also operational reasons as well. To begin with, policing and law enforcement has for a long time has been a sector and industry that has been dominated by men. Although in the past decade or so there has been an increase in the recruitment of women into the police taskforce, this is a perspective and outlook that has continued being held by most people. This implies that there is even a greater need to shift this culture if women are to start undertaking such tasks side by side with men devoid of any lack of evenhandedness. Not only is there the continued existence of a mindset that police work is work that is cut out for men only, but there is also the risk of sexual abuse to women in the police setting. In a functional point of view, there are reasons such as the fact that some of the policing duties are tedious and strenuous tasks. Another reason is the fact that there is lack of support for the development of the careers of females in the police taskforce. There are attempts and determinations to ensure that women to not end up becoming the leaders of police departments, a perspective that is very wrong and very sad. Another reason is the fact that when women become pregnant they are unable to undertake their duties as policing more often than not involves tasks that are not safe. In addition, they are unable to breastfeed and take care of their young babies. All these are some of the functional challenges that are experienced and faced by women when being incorporated or assimilated into the industry. Taking all of this into consideration, there are a number of policies that I would review and also develop to make sure that there is lawful conduct and behavior toward women entering the workforce particularly in my department.

  1. Sexual Harassment
  2. This encompasses the unwanted and unsolicited sexual advances, demands for sexual favors in exchange for work aspects and even physical as well as verbal mannerisms of a sexual way. Sexual harassment is an act that is in violation of the law. The main reason why I would develop this legal policy is because policing involves undertaking duties at the work environment and off the field as well. This therefore ought to be developed to include any sexual advances and progressions and intimidations that take place on the field where the police officers are aware from the precinct of the police department. If the department obtains a complaint of sexual harassment or has any cause of believing or sensing that sexual harassment of the female personnel us taking place, I intend on taking important steps to make sure that the issue is immediately investigated and taken into consideration. If this accusation turns out to be a credible one, then being the top administrator of the department, I will take direct and abrupt as well as effective measures that will bring an end to the undesirable behavior. In the same manner, the policy I intend on instituting will make sure that action is undertaken regardless of whether the victim wants to file a formal complaint or not. This is a policy of zero tolerance on sexual harassment.

  3. Maternity leave
  4. This is an aspect that has been of great concern for all women while being integrated into the workforce. Most females fear entering the workforce with the main worry that they will not be able to get the chance of raising a family. More so, most women consider that once they leave their work to give birth they would not attain their position when they come back. This is a policy that I picked out in order to alter it. This is simply because police work is different to some extent from office work. One thing that can be pointed out is that women ought to be given their rights which are equal to those given to men at all time. When women get pregnant, it becomes impossible to go out to the field and chase robbers and criminals. This puts the yet to come baby as well as the yet to be mother into harm’s way. Therefore, the department will alter the policy to ensure that there are open positions for the female workers within the department in which they can undertake while they are preparing to have the baby. In addition, the female police workers will be entitles to maternity leave that will include the payment of the usual salary at that leave period. In addition, the female counterparts will be guaranteed of their posts when they resume their work after the maternity leave. In essence, this policy will offer direction and guiding principles for all department personnel on how to cope with instances of pregnant and breastfeeding women in a reasonable and dependable way, together with course of action on providing alternative assignment to them. This would also take account of organization of maternity leave.

  5. Employment Equity
  6. This particular policy is a lawful aspect which demands that all top administrators and managers offer equal and fair or preferential recruitment prospects to women, in addition to offering support systems to stimulate and inspire more and more women to make applications of police task force jobs. This will also cover the women who have all forms of disabilities. The department will ensure that no aspects of discriminations or biasedness are undertaken or shown towards any of the female applicants who are disabled.

Professional Ethical Issues

Police officers exist and work in an incessantly changing and activity social setting in which they are exposed to a varied range of ethical conflicts. Regardless of whether they are anticipative or not, the police are faced with situations that are present serious ethical risks. As a result, being a top administrator of a police department it is important to gain mental preparation to solve these issues on a daily basis. Professional ethical issues particularly in the policing sector present themselves in the most inopportune moments without any warning and the policemen and policewomen barely have any time to sit down and contemplate about such situations. Being similar to any other organization, the police department will expect to experience and take into account a number of professional ethical issues. The following are a number of anticipated professional ethical issues:

  1. Diversity
  2. With increase in globalization, the world has become a small village and individuals from different cultures can work in various parts of the globe. This as a result calls for diversity within the work setting. This is a professional ethical issue that I expect to deal with within the department. It is imperative to take into consideration the fact that individuals emanate from different regions and therefore have their own different cultures. This as a result can case a bump of heads from time to time. It is therefore important to ease in the members of the police department to be mindful of the different cultures that individuals have. Another aspect that is encompassed in this subject matter is the difference and diversity in religious perspectives. It is important for individuals at the workplace to be mindful and respectful towards other individuals’ religious beliefs even if they collide with what one believes. For instance, Muslims often prefer to take prayer breaks during the pay as part of their religious beliefs. It is therefore important to make accommodations of such aspects to make all of the personnel to be at ease.

  3. Police Corruption
  4. Police corruption is more often than not perceived as an issue that is constant and associated with police departments and cops. This is because the aspect of corruption in the police sector ranges in a wide manner and requests for being corrupt are made all the time by the guilty parties. To start with, police officers are asked to take bribes by offenders at all times in order to ignore and disregard the misdoings they are found partaking in. This is with regards to traffic offences and minor offences. In addition, gangs also offer police offers with plenty of money to partake in unethical activities such as tampering with evidence, offering criminals with vital inside information within the police department and destroying files or proof that can incriminate them. These are ethical issues that take place on a daily basis in the police department and very difficult to deal with. However, as the top administrator, I will ensure that the police department will ensure that there are stringent measures taken against any and all of the policewomen and policemen who are found making an attempt to are guilty of partaking in corrupt ways.

  5. Evenhandedness within the workplace
  6. There will be ethical issues concerning whether there is fairness amongst men and women. This is particularly prominent especially when it comes to such a sector and area of expertise that is dominated by male. It can be considered that most of the policemen will refuse or belittle being put to task with a female counterpart because of the perspective that they are not stringer or are not well equipped to undertaking such tasks. Therefore from time to time I expect ethical issues regarding the manner in which the female counterparts are treated in an unfair and uneven manner. There are several stereotype individuals who would consider the female police personnel of not being able to handle the tasks set before them. This particular policy is a HR aspect which demands that all top administrators and managers offer equal and fair or preferential recruitment prospects to women, in addition to offering support systems to stimulate and inspire more and more women to make applications of police task force jobs. The department will ensure that the female personnel are treated with respect that they deserve and are given the tasks in accordance to their expertise and not based on their gender or sexual orientation.


Equity is important in the workplace. More so, there is great need for the cessation of the perspective that there are jobs suited for men and that there are jobs suited for women. This is a perspective that is largely misguided. In the past decade or so police departments have made considerable efforts to hire females and recruit them into their workforces. In particular, this has been a necessary issue to stop the stereotype perception that this is a career that is only suited to women only. Despite the fact that there have been efforts made, there is even need for more efforts as the number of female police stands at less than 10% of the total police force. However, as these female workers enter into the workforce it is important to make considerations such as the ones made above to ensure that there is lawful conduct toward women entering the work force. It is also important to ensure that there are equal recruitment prospects to women, in addition to offering support systems to stimulate and inspire more and more women to make applications of police task force jobs.

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